Saturday, June 24, 2006

Simply Beautiful

(For your sanity please view this page with FireFox)

I can feel it, a heartbreak is creeping somewhere in the backgorund, because I know it is going to end on July 9th. What the heck! the show is still on, let's have some fun!

"It's a simple thing, just a ball and a goal. But once every four years, that simple thing drastically changes the world. It closes the schools, closes the shops, closes a city, stops a war. Simple ball fuels the passion and pride of nations, gives people everywhere something to hope for, gives country's respect where respect is in short supply, and achieves more than the politicians ever could. Once every four years, a ball does the impossible, and if history means anything, the world as we know it is about to change..."

Do you remember the dreams you had when you were a little kid? Did you dream to play with your heros and someday to be just like them? Some people can tell us that the only way the dream could come true is to never stop dreaming... ('...If you don't give my football back, I'm gonna get my dad on you...'. I laugh everytime I watch this ad)

A country united makes for better cheerleaders than a country divided. It is an honor to just be part of it. Let's drink to the teams that made it for the first time.

I swear I haven't taken a sick day...yet... :P

Let's drink to all the teams that didn't make it this time. See you in four years!!!!!!

Never grow up, my friends!

It is funny. Everyone goes into this game already knowing who is the champion, but every try is worthwhile still. let's drink to the champion!!!

Are you drunk yet, my friend?! You know it only happens every four years. If someone is still trying to tell you that their game is better than ours, just brush it off. They are allow to dream you know?! Now, let's drink to FOOTBALL.

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