Saturday, June 24, 2006

Simply Beautiful

(For your sanity please view this page with FireFox)

I can feel it, a heartbreak is creeping somewhere in the backgorund, because I know it is going to end on July 9th. What the heck! the show is still on, let's have some fun!

"It's a simple thing, just a ball and a goal. But once every four years, that simple thing drastically changes the world. It closes the schools, closes the shops, closes a city, stops a war. Simple ball fuels the passion and pride of nations, gives people everywhere something to hope for, gives country's respect where respect is in short supply, and achieves more than the politicians ever could. Once every four years, a ball does the impossible, and if history means anything, the world as we know it is about to change..."

Do you remember the dreams you had when you were a little kid? Did you dream to play with your heros and someday to be just like them? Some people can tell us that the only way the dream could come true is to never stop dreaming... ('...If you don't give my football back, I'm gonna get my dad on you...'. I laugh everytime I watch this ad)

A country united makes for better cheerleaders than a country divided. It is an honor to just be part of it. Let's drink to the teams that made it for the first time.

I swear I haven't taken a sick day...yet... :P

Let's drink to all the teams that didn't make it this time. See you in four years!!!!!!

Never grow up, my friends!

It is funny. Everyone goes into this game already knowing who is the champion, but every try is worthwhile still. let's drink to the champion!!!

Are you drunk yet, my friend?! You know it only happens every four years. If someone is still trying to tell you that their game is better than ours, just brush it off. They are allow to dream you know?! Now, let's drink to FOOTBALL.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

We don't mind

Someone sent me a link to an article, in which the writer squeezed the last drop of his brain out trying to explain just why hockey is better soccer, in as scientific ways as possible. Later a young man basically quoted every point from that article on MSN messenger to me. I am sure he believed he was the most open minded person on earth to enlighten me and all the soccer fans. He just wouldn't shut up until I blocked him. For God's sake just stop nagging. Can you see we are having a party? We have waited for four long freaking years for this. Can you see we are having the best time of our life? I admit soccer is not as 'busy looking' as some other sports. To be honest, we don't mind. We don't mind watching the Brazilian players passing the ball around and around. A no goal game could be just as satisfying as a cold beer in a hot summer day. It is all about the view of beauty.

Ok ok, we got the point. Billion fans from all over the world including some North Amaricans all fail to see your brilliant point. We apologize for it. Anyway, next time your beloved millionaires decide to lock you out again because they think they deserve more money, you are more than welcome to give soccer a try. We will save you a seat. Even though we already have billions, we don't mind having more.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ole Ole Ole

16 years ago when I was at sweet 16, I first encountered football, my first World Cup (sorry, North Americans, out of respect I am calling this game for what it really is). It was an unforgettable summer. Me and my best friend were crazy for this game. We hand-drew all the posters. We were both cheering for Germany. I was for No.18 and she was for No.10. I got up every time at 3 am to watch the game. Italy looked so beautiful. I never forget the morning when my favorite team won the champion. When I was watching the sunrise on the balcony I felt truly happy.

Football is an amazing game, the combination of speed, strength, and intelligence. It is also an undiscriminating game. You could be short and you could be skinny. As long as you can run and you want to play, you are in.The World Cup is special. First it makes you wait for 4 long years. Second it is not a game of a whole bunch millionaires running around. Some players and referees have daytime job. They have to take days off for the game. World Cup is a holiday, a celebration, a month-long party for everyone from all over the world who loves this game.

Some snobby guys say that women watch this game only for the good looking players. What they fail to see is every man who plays, who rises and falls, who screams even cries, who runs with his national flag running with him on his chest is as good looking as a Greek god.
This World Cup is also special to me because some of my favorite players from 16 years ago are here again as coaches, Van Basten for Netherlands, Klinsmann for Germany...

Pele once said, 'My heart starts pounding every four years'. Are you ready?!